





Variable-Speed Blower Motors

By Charles King | Published: March 13, 2012


One of the remarkable improvements to home cooling and heating systems is the variable-speed blower. These blowers use electronically commutated motors (ECMs) that use electricity more efficiently. Instead of using alternating current (AC), the ECMs have converters that change the current to direct current (DC) for greater efficiency. The ECM is designed with variable programmable speeds that maintain a high level of efficiency even at higher speeds. Unlike traditional motors, they runs quietly and are not prone to overheating. If you’re considering replacing your old system with a new system that utilizes a variable-speed blower motor, here are some benefits to consider.


1. Variable-speed blower motors are the quietest for your home. Noise from air handlers and supply registers can be annoying. Since the variable speed motor runs more slowly than a standard single-speed motor, the blower creates less noise going through both the supply and return registers. There will also be substantially less noise coming from the air handler.


2. The variable-speed blower motor optimizes the output of your cooled or heated air. Since the motors runs at lower speeds, the fan circulates the air through your ducts for a longer period. This eliminates the hot blast of air that you feel when the blower starts, since it ramps up and slows down gradually. All the conditioned air in the ducts goes into your rooms with the slower operation, so the conditioned air doesn’t sit in your ducts where it isn’t needed. Your rooms receive more cooled or warmed air. The longer running time also removes more humidity in the summer.


3. Families who have members with allergies or asthma benefit from these blowers because they run almost continuously. The air constantly goes through the blower’s filter, which removes more airborne particulates than operating the system intermittently. Continuous flow circulates more fresh air throughout the home and removes old, stale air. In addition, EC motors are programmed to start and stop gradually, reducing humidity in the home.


4. Saving money — An ECM runs at 65 to 75 percent efficiency, compared to a traditional blower motor’s 12 to 45 percent efficiency. A single-speed motor can use as many as 625 watts per hour, while an ECM uses 100 watts. Reducing a home’s environmental impact through less power usage saves you money and is an easy way to make your home more environmentally friendly.


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